August 2024 Newsletter

CUPE Local 3338 is a non-profit union organization. We represent nearly 1200 members in six bargaining units each with their own employer across all three campuses of Simon Fraser University. Our vision is to advocate for just and diverse workplaces and communities, and to foster respect, dignity, and equity for our members, and for all working people.

President’s Message

Hi Everyone,

Members of the executive board have been able to take some much needed time off here and there. August has been giving us a little breathing room and your Local officers are taking full advantage by focusing on other important areas that have needed attention: preparing for bargaining; circling back to important workplace matters; grievance and arbitration processes; member engagement for the fall; office organization and clean-up.

CUPE will be at SFU’s BBQ tomorrow (August 14).  SFU has confirmed that all CUPE members are welcomed to attend: Unit 1/SFU, Unit 4/BEST, Unit 5/SFSS, Unit 6/GSS and Unit 7/SFPIRG.

Look for the CUPE table (away from the food area) and come say hi! You are welcome to bring any general questions you may have about workplace issues.

We look forward to connecting more with the membership in person in the fall!  We hope you and your loved ones have a restful, fun and safe summer.

Member Appreciation Pool + Pizza Party | August 24, 2024

  • We are very excited to share that we are hosting a social for all members of CUPE 3338 and their families at Robert Burnaby Outdoor Pool on August 24th! We will have the pool from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and pizza will be served afterwards (vegetarian and gluten-free options will be available). If you would like to attend, please RSVP to by Wednesday, August 21 and let us know how many people you will be bringing with you.  Please note there is a maximum of 5 per family (but let us know if your family is bigger – we may be able to accommodate you).  Please come if you are able! The venue is accessible by public transportation and there is free parking available onsite. 

Important Information

Unit 1/SFU

  • The Involuntary Transfer process has concluded and the impacted members are settling into their new roles. The Local will now pivot to ‘following the work’ from all position eliminations.  This is where we need your help: please contact us with any information you have about “where the work went” if you happen to know something, whether the work has drifted to APSA or been absorbed by other CUPE colleagues. We are aware that just because certain positions were eliminated does not mean the work also was. We are compiling information to discuss/address with SFU.  
  • Please welcome and be kind to new colleagues in your department from the IT process.  It was a very stressful and difficult time from position elimination to placement into a new position.  These individuals are learning a new job under challenging circumstances and we encourage you to do what you can to help support their transition.

Unit 4/BEST 

  • Your union is looking for stewards at each shift across all three campuses.  Stewards routinely provide updates on workplace concerns and may be asked to attend as a witness with a colleague.  Please contact us to discuss further.
  • Your Local would like to regularly connect with all members in this unit.  The difficulty is shift work across three campuses.  The goal is to schedule one meeting in person every 4 months with each shift at each campus.
  • We are trying to address language barriers, please let us know of spoken languages we may not be aware of.

Unit 5/SFSS

  • Bargaining preparations are underway.  The CUPE bargaining committee has met for an overview of bargaining, CUPE and the Employer had a preliminary meeting.  The Employer has to finalize their bargaining committee.  Tentative bargaining dates are on hold but not confirmed.

Units 6/GSS and Unit 7/GSS

  • Currently, there is no rep for each unit and presence on the executive board is very important for us to remain connected with workplace concerns and wins. We want members in these units to be involved in their unit. We are happy to discuss expectations and are committed to mentoring new unit reps.

Membership Engagement

CFL Ticket Draw (Door Prizes from General Membership Meeting)

  • Congratulations to the two members who won the draw for packages of two tickets each to attend the BC Lions game on August 18th! Have fun at the game, we hope to see your photos! We look forward to being able to offer other fun door prizes at future GMMs.

Electing a Future Worth Fighting For

  • In a final push to get us ready for this coming election, CUPE BC is delivering another round Electing a Future Worth Fighting For. This one-day course focuses on building our members’ capacity to talk about politics with other members, and will help get us ready for the upcoming provincial election on October 19, 2024.
  • If you would like to attend this training please complete this form. Available seats for these sessions are limited by budget and space constraints. Participants will be brought into our rapidly growing Political Action Network, and will be invited to volunteer for a labour canvass the night of their training. 
  • CUPE BC will be covering expenses for members to attend this training. That includes travel, book off, per diems, and other items that fall in line with our expense policy. 
  • The following training is taking place around BC.
Region Date Training Location
Richmond/Delta August 28 To Be Announced
Surrey/Langley/Maple Ridge August 29 Walnut Grove Community Centre
Vancouver September 5 Vancouver Public Library, Downtown
Abbotsford/Chilliwack September 6 Abbotsford CUPE Area Office
Nanaimo/Parksville/Qualicum September 13 Nanaimo CUPE Area Office
Prince George September 19 (Half-Day) Prince George CUPE Area Office
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please connect directly with Neal Adolph, Political Action Coordinator, at

Social and Young Workers Committee Call-Outs

  • The Social Committee is up and running! Your Local needs volunteers to ensure social events are scheduled regularly, as exec board members will have to pivot to priority Local work in the fall.  If you would like to see the fun continue, help to plan future events for you and your colleagues is needed.  Please email to get involved.
  • We are looking to launch a new Young Workers Committee for those aged 30 and under. Let’s connect, innovate, and shape the future together. Please send an email to if you would like a fun way of learning more about the labor movement!

Upcoming Events and Community Engagement Opportunities

September 2, 2024, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm: Labour Day celebrations at Edmonds Park (7433 Humphries Ave, Burnaby, BC), co-hosted by the Vancouver District Labour Council and New Westminster & District Labour Council.


Did You Know…

  1. Medical Accommodation
    • A medical accommodation is based on need, not want, by an employee.  The employer has a duty to accommodate.  There are limits: duty ends when the point of undue hardship is reached.  Some hardship is to be expected and “put up with” by the employer.  
    • Contact the union if you have any questions about a medical duty to accommodate.
  2. As we approach Labour Day (September 2nd), here are a couple of labour history tidbits that may interest you:
    • In 1974, years before other Canadian unions won maternity leave benefits in collective agreements, the Association of University & College Employees (AUCE) Local 1 at the University of British Columbia (UBC) made history. In its first collective agreement, UBC clerical and library workers achieved contract language that provided fully funded maternity leave for its members. It was a breakthrough not just for workers at UBC, but for families across the country… In 1985, AUCE Local 1 joined the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and is now known as CUPE 2950.” (Source:
    • AUCE Local 2 at Simon Fraser University was the precursor to CUPE 3338! “The Association of University and College Employees, Local #2 (AUCE #2) was formed at Simon Fraser University in 1974… On December 12, 1991 the motion was passed that effective December 31, 1991, AUCE #2 would withdraw as the representative of non-academic and non-professional staff, in favour of CUPE Local #3338.” (Source:

To keep up with our most recent news, please visit for union updates.

Have content to share with the CUPE 3338 community? Submit it to this newsletter by emailing

To contact the union: 778.782.5494 or