January 2025 Newsletter

CUPE respectfully acknowledges that Simon Fraser University campuses occupies unceded, traditional Coast Salish territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish), səl̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie), qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), Semiahmoo and Tsawwassen Nations.

CUPE Local 3338 is a non-profit union organization. We represent nearly 1200 members in six bargaining units each with their own employer across all three campuses of Simon Fraser University. Our vision is to advocate for just and diverse workplaces and communities, and to foster respect, dignity, and equity for our members, and for all working people.

President’s Message

Hi Everyone,

I hope the second week back finds you stepping into the new year with renewed energy.  Your 2025 executive board is keen to continue the Local’s work.  The Union’s focus for the start of the new year will be:

  • SFU budget update: In the December 2024 newsletter, I wrote “the writing on the wall is clear for all to see”.  I should not have been so vague with that statement – I meant that the current measures SFU has implemented are ongoing and CUPE will continue to pay close attention to the ongoing hiring freeze, workload and reduction/migration of duties.

We need your help here: If we don’t know when duties are being reduced or transferred to APSA personnel, we cannot protect CUPE work.

  • Layoffs: CUPE will be as transparent as possible while adhering to Collective Agreement language on confidentiality.  We will communicate with you as soon as possible should SFU notify the union of any further layoffs.

  • Bargaining: Unit 5/SFSS is scheduled for March 2025 and Unit 1/SFU bargaining prep will start soon.

  • Membership engagement: setting up drop-in office hours at each campus, regular unit meetings, socials.

  • Solidarity on campus: ongoing collaboration with other employee groups on campus and with Contract Worker Justice (CWJ).

We will have lots to do together this year, let’s be mindful of our well-being and maintain the necessary balance between our various demands.

In solidarity and on behalf of the 2025 executive board,

Shaneza Bacchus

January 2025 General Membership Meeting (GMM)

Due to a high priority within the Local, the January 22 GMM will be moved to January 29.  Please refer to the email notice sent on January 16, 2025.


2025 Executive Board




Shaneza Bacchus

1st Vice President-Lead Steward

Bridget Barker


Fiona Brady Lenfesty

2nd Vice President

Trish Everett

Recording Secretary


Communications Officer


Membership Officer – Health & Safety

David Kloepfer

Membership Officer – Young Worker

Sarp Yalçin

Unit 1/SFU Rep


Unit 2/CUPW Rep


Unit 4/BEST Rep


Unit 5/SFSS Rep

Anna Reva

Unit 6/GSS Rep





Nominations for Vacant Executive Board Positions

As you can see, the executive board has a high number of vacancies and an executive board of 7 out 14 will not be able to function at an ideal level.  We urge you to consider stepping forward and contributing to the important work needed within your union.

Important: Introductory training will be required to hold an executive board or trustee position.  Any member in good standing can step into these positions.  Written and verbal English skills are necessary.

Please refer to the nomination notice that was emailed on January 16, 2025.  Nominations for vacant executive board and trustee positions are open from Thursday, January 16, 2025 and will close at 4:00pm on Wednesday, January 29.

Steward Training

Stewards are an essential part of union activism. A steward is a point of contact between members and the union. We encourage anyone who is interested in workers’ rights and ensuring the collective agreement is protected to contact the office. Becoming a steward is a great way to develop professional skills: note taking, understanding the collective agreement and its practical application, helping to inform others of their rights, and conflict resolution.

There is steward training throughout the year. Please let us know if you would be interested in becoming a steward and attending this training! .


Unit Updates

Community Consultation: Safe Disclosure of Wrongdoing Policy (GP41)

SFU consulted with CUPE on GP41.  CUPE’s feedback focused on the gap between the terms “employee” and “SFU community member”.  Initially, the scope of GP41 only included direct employees of SFU, which meant CUPE members in BEST, SFSS, GSS and SFPIRG who work on SFU campuses and with SFU employees were excluded.

  • Changes were made to expand the scope of “SFU community members”: “contractors” and “agents” were included in the policy.  BEST would be “contractors”; SFSS, GSS and SFPIRG would be “agents”.

  • Goals of GP41: to support a culture of speaking up and to have protection if you do: address mechanisms for reporting, conflict of interest, reprisals, etc.

  • Once finalised, this policy will be part of SFU’s “community support” page.

SFU is seeking public consultation and you are encouraged to read through the information in the link above.  Feedback can be submitted to board_admin@sfu.ca by January 24, 2025.


Membership Engagement

We want to engage with you more frequently and will start doing so with both impromptu drop-bys and also holding regular drop-in hours at all campuses.  Stay tuned for further details!

What would you like to see from your Local?  More social/membership engagement activities?  More involvement in advocacy and activism spaces?  Do you have any ideas on how union meetings can be more interesting or fun?  Please let us know any ideas you may have that will help us engage with you more.

Upcoming Events

January 29, 2025: National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia, Green Square Campaign
Wear a green square to support the fight against Islamophobia.
On National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia, we honor the victims and survivors of the 2017 attack, and recommit to eliminating Islamophobia, hatred and racism in Canada.

In January 2020, Muslim communities launched the Green Square Campaign. CUPE is inviting its members to participate in the campaign and wear a square of green cloth the week preceding January 29. The green square represents the green carpets in the Quebec City Mosque: wear it in memory of the victims and in solidarity with their relatives and everyone who is suffering the consequences of hate-related violence.

For more details, please see https://cupe.ca/event/wear-green-square-support-fight-against-islamophobia

January 29 – Lunar New Year

February is Black History Month
Black History Month is a time to celebrate and highlight Black History and culture, and to honour the ancestors and leaders within Black communities, their accomplishments and their continued fight for liberation. Together, let’s educate one month, and celebrate every month.

Black History should be recognized 365 days a year and not limited to a single month.

Black History acknowledgement is also a time for all people in Canada to reflect and educate ourselves on the history of Black enslavement and the ongoing discrimination and criminalization of people of African descent, and to remember that anti-Black racism still exists.

CUPE’s Anti-Racism Strategy identifies actions to challenge systemic racism in our workplaces, union and communities. It acknowledges that our union and locals must work towards meaningful change for Black, Indigenous and racialized members, including those with intersecting identities.



We will look to add more events and see what CUPE 3338 can support, either by attending or via donation.  Please let us know of any events that would be important to highlight and/or engagements the Local can step into.

Black in BC: Celebrating Black Excellence 2025
Friday, February 7, 2025, 3:00-7:00 pm, Surrey Arts Centre

Afro Gala 2025 – A Black History Month Event
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 6:00 pm – 12:00 am, Thomas Haney Rotunda (23000 116 Ave Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0T8)

Coquitlam Black History Month Family Day Celebration
Saturday, February 15, 2025, 1:00 – 4:00 pm, Maillardville Community Centre


Did You Know…

  1. The Canadian Union of Public Employees is Canada’s largest union, with 750,000 members across the country.  CUPE represents workers in health care, emergency services, education, early learning and child care, municipalities, social services, libraries, utilities, transportation, airlines and more.

  2. You may have disciplinary letters (otherwise known as “adverse reports” or “warning letters”) removed from your employee file after a specified amount of time has passed as per your Collective Agreement:

  • Unit 1 (SFU): “On the request of an employee, an adverse report shall be removed from the employee’s file in Human Resources, provided that twenty-four (24) months have elapsed since the issuance of the report and no other adverse reports have been received.”

  • Unit 4 (BEST): “Any discipline that has been imposed on an employee shall be removed from the employee’s employment file within eighteen (18) months and only if discipline free during that period of when the discipline was imposed.”

  • Unit 5 (SFSS): “If, in the twelve (12) months after the issuance of a disciplinary letter, no further disciplinary action is recorded against the Employee, the disciplinary letter shall automatically be removed from the Employee’s record and may not be held against him/her thereafter.”

  • Unit 6 (GSS): “If, in the twelve (12) months after the issuance of a disciplinary letter or suspension, no further disciplinary action is recorded against the employee, all record of that disciplinary letter or suspension shall automatically be removed from the employee’s record and may not be held against them thereafter.”

  • Unit 7 (SFPIRG): “If, in the eighteen (18) months after the issuance of a warning letter, no further disciplinary action is recorded against the employee, the warning letter and any previous warning letters shall automatically be removed from the employee’s record and may not be held against him/her thereafter.”

  1. Union work is often very fun and social. We also learn how to develop professional skills and network for future opportunities. Reach out about how to get involved!


CUPE Updates & Resources

CUPE National Newsroom

Highlights of the December 2024 National Executive Board meeting:
Read the NEB highlights online

National President’s Report and National Secretary-Treasurer’s Report to the December 2024 National Executive Board meeting:
Read the National President’s Report online
Read the National Secretary-Treasurer’s Report online

To keep up with our most recent news, please visit https://cupe3338.ca for union updates.

Have content to share with the CUPE 3338 community? Submit it to this newsletter by emailing communications@cupe3338.ca.

To contact the union: 778.782.5494 or info@cupe3338.ca. Offices are in AQ 5131 and 5132 and drop ins are welcomed but it’s recommended to schedule an appointment.